I started this blog so my daughters could find all of our family favourite recipes in one place. It has actually grown into more than just the family favourites but also other recipes we've tried out in our kitchen. I don't like to fill up the post with alot of chatter. Sometimes there's a little story to tell, but usually I like to get right to the point. So this is for them, but hope you find some recipes that you like as well. I'll be sharing a lot of recipes, and along the way you'll find some crafty things and maybe some helpful hints too! Welcome!

Thursday, November 22, 2018

Decorative Christmas Urn

In full holiday mode now!
Here are some basics for this DIY decorative Christmas holiday urn.

What you'll need:

a tall planter
a large pail
a few firelogs
some tall branches
a pot of dirt and/or florist sponge
ribbon or deco mesh
2 old moss hanging baskets 
spray paint
mini lights
decorative garland or sprigs
fresh greenery

Some will say to just remove the plants from a summer planter and stick the branches you're using right in the dirt. Great if you are not having to move the plant, but too heavy to lug around. I was working in the garage so this needed to be transportable.

I started with this tall planter and stood a large pail upside-down in it as a space filler. Next I placed a couple of firelogs and random pieces of wood in for some weight and stability of the branches. You want some weight so when it's finished it can't be blown over in a wind. (This sucker isn't going anywhere!)

We had a tree trimmed this past summer but it wasn't a birch which would have looked great for this project. My husband just gave these old branches a whitewash and I think they look pretty good. I stuck them in trying to fit them snugly so they don't wobble around. Use cutoff pieces of wood as wedges for support if you need to.  

You can then place a flower pot full of dirt in the top which will be what you'll be sticking your greenery into. You can also use florists sponge.

Wrap the top edge of the planter tightly with wide ribbon or deco mesh and create a bow in the front. My dog Karma was supervising!

I had these two old black and rusting moss hanging baskets that I asked my husband to wire together and paint. I think he did a pretty good job.

Once dry I slipped one of the branches through the globe and slid it down until it was sitting in the top of the urn.

I used a couple of decorative wire garlands from the dollar store and secured them to a couple of the branches. (There's that supervisor again!)

The next step is very important (and I forgot to take a pic!) but before using the fresh boughs always give them a good soak in water and a fresh stem cut. Also soak the florist sponge for 15 minutes and fill the pot of dirt with water as well.

Start sticking stems into the sponge and earth using the decorative ball for their support.

I bought cedar and pine branches and wired some pine cones into the arrangement too. Add the mini lights.

Once outside (thank goodness my husband was able to use a dolly to roll this out of the garage and up the stairs) I decided to cut some branches from a blue cedar and yew in the garden and added those here and there.

Well, there you have it. My first decorative Christmas urn.

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